Mt. Woodson

It wasn’t that long ago when I would get together with Cy to exercise; three, sometimes even four days a week.  Ah, but then we had kids and oh how times have changed.  The days of Crossfit and Starting Strength and puking in my driveway are long gone, it seems.

I asked Cy if he would be interested in a hike up Mt. Woodson, which isn’t far from my house.  We huffed and puffed our way up the steep road, and even old Newbie was having a hard time with the grade.  Pushing our matching Bob strollers, I’m sure we were quite the sight to behold.

Baby Hike

Newbie took care of some business at the bottom of the hill, which meant that I wouldn’t have to lug a bag of crap the whole way.  Unfortunately, he dragged his leash through the poop before I could clean it up, and I inadvertently got feces on my hands.  This created a bit of a conundrum, since my hands now stunk of poo and I would need to handle and feed the poor Z-bug.  Oh well, what are you going to do?  I decided to rub my hands together furiously, in an effort to kill any bacteria with friction and heat.  I’m pretty sure it worked.

The diving board

The precarious remains of a giant exfoliated boulder sits near the top of Mt. Woodson, and we decided to take some photos.  The rock is  frighteningly thin at its edge, and it makes for a wonderful photo.  If you stand on the edge and bounce up and down, you can actually feel the rock flex underneath you, and it feels like a diving board.  My New Dad’s Handbook didn’t mention anything about this type of activity being unsafe, so I’m sure it was fine.

Cy and Mac
Jason and Zanatos

The keen observer will notice that I am standing much closer to the edge than Cy.  Having stood on this rock before, I felt confident that it would support our weight.  Also, Cy is a bit of a weenie, if you must know.  Just kidding.  He’s more responsible than I am.

Adventure Baby

Z-bug was getting tired and hungry, so we packed the kids up and began our descent.  I decided to hold off on feeding Zane until I got a chance to clean off my poo hands, though he didn’t thank me or show any appreciation.  I thought that was rude of him.

Z-bug frown
View from the summit of Mt. Woodson
Cy and Mac